Tuesday, 15 February 2011

(Pre-Production) Analysing Sound in British Social Realism: Made in Britain

I decided to analysis the non-diegetic, diegetic and music in 'Made in Britain', as I found that the sound was very relevant in the time the film was set. Also, the music used helped create a big impact in the opening sequence, this will be useful to me in my opening sequence as I now understand how sound is used to help opening sequences flow and bring scenes together.

Through analysing the sound in 'Made in Britain', I now have a better understanding of what sounds I will use in my opening sequences. Such as, the ambient sounds, e.g. echos and murmuring, makes the film feel my realistic. This is useful to me as the realistic feel of the opening sequence fits perfectly into the British Social Realism genre, which I will try emulate in my opening sequence.

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