Tuesday, 25 January 2011

(Pre-Production) Beachcombing

I have created a digital scrapbook of things which i find inspiring and potentially may be useful to me in the development of my opening sequence.

I choose this image as bull dogs are usually associated with the ruff areas of England, e.g. where dog fighting takes place.

Although this video's mise-en-scene is in America and it's characters are American, the themes of gun crime and reaction to gun crime may influence how I introduce similar themes into my opening sequence.

'Nobody's heart is perfect'
- The Handmaids tale, by Margaret Atwood

I choose this image as religious topics and themes are often brought forward in British social realist films.

"I worked on the belief that, if something is not impossible, there must be a way of doing it-and there was"
-Nichols Winton
 (an ordinary man who organised the extraordinary rescue of over 600 Jewish children from German-occupied Czechoslovakia in the run-up to the Second World War)

 I liked the contrasted between these images, connoting the fabulous life of the young, attractive women and then the reality of the old, red faced women.

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