Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Continuity Exercise


For my first piece of coursework, a continuity exercise, i recorded a interview between two subjects. 
This was the first time i had used a camera and tripod. the video features two subjects in an interview situation. We first see a girl running late to the interview and then the beginning of the interview.

The video features different kinds of cuts, including match on action, shot/reverse shot and 180-degree rule. The match on action shot worked best. 

outside view of girl going to open door (Match on action)

Inside view of girl opening door and running past (Match on action)

In the shots above we see the girl outside running and then going to open the door. The next shot is inside the building as the girl is opening the door. This cut can be seen 11 seconds into the video. I found the shot/reverse shot hard to perfect as the subjects where not always looking directly at each other.

If I was to film again i would do more planning before I started to film, such as producing my storyboard first so i had a clearer and more precise idea of what the footage should look like. I would have also been more creactive with scenery and diolague, prossibly making the video more comical and in a better location.

During post-production i found cutting scenes to appropreate length quite easy. However i found making shore the continuity of the clips hard, as in some of the footage a note pad was one of the props, however in other clips it was not. I made this simple by just using clips without the note pad in it.